
[ ilæstís∂ti ]

1. 탄성
2. 탄력성
3. 신축성

예문 8

While elastin gives our skin flexibility and elasticity.
엘라스틴은 우리의 피부에 유연성과 탄력을줍니다.
It begins to lose elasticity.
그것은 탄력성을 잃기 시작합니다.
begins to
"~하기 시작하다." 라는 의미이며, 다음과 같이 사용할 수 있습니다.
  • He began to apologize.
    그는 사과하기 시작했다.
Now it’s time for the innisfree orchid eye cream. This is one of my favourites because it is an anti-aging product that helps reduce wrinkles and improves elasticity.
다음은 이니스프리의 오키드 아이크림입니다. 이 제품은 안티에이징 효과가 있어서 주름과 피부 탄력에 효과적이에요
Viscoelasticity describes the ability of a material to possess both elasticity and viscosity.
Viscoelasticity describes the ability of a material to possess both elasticity and viscosity.
In economists' jargon, the price elasticity of both demand and supply is low in the short term.
In economists' jargon, the price elasticity of both demand and supply is low in the short term.
This gives the robot's movements a degree of elasticity which, coupled with force sensors, provides a feedback mechanism.
This gives the robot's movements a degree of elasticity which, coupled with force sensors, provides a feedback mechanism.
Polyethylene's disadvantage is that it does not have latex's elasticity, which holds things in place at the crucial moment.
Polyethylene's disadvantage is that it does not have latex's elasticity, which holds things in place at the crucial moment.
Astronauts also demonstrated strong production of collagen, a protein fiber that provides strength and elasticity to the skin.
Astronauts also demonstrated strong production of collagen, a protein fiber that provides strength and elasticity to the skin.

이런 단어도 공부해 보세요

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